Reports short summary
Create a new report
Select database and add to current project
Right click on project tree and select "New report"
Insert name of new report
The main report designer window will popup.
If you want to insert database fields (which you normally want to do in
a report) select the table which should be used in the report.
After you have selected a database table you may insert fields into
your report parts. Click on the field button on the left side of the
report designer and afterwards on the position where you want to insert
the field. The field_designer pops up where you should insert the
expression that describes the contents of the field.
There is much place for the expression but currently you may only
insert one line with an expression composed of
- integer values
- String values whithin double quotes (like "Hello world")
- Names of field columns within brackets
Within the report designer you may select the report to be sorted by
one or more fields of the base table. Click with the right mouse button
within the report designer window and select "edit groups" within the
popup menu. You can add some fields for sorting or grouping within the
following dialog.
After you have inserted all fields required you may take a look at the
report how it might be printed. Click on the "fullpage preview" or
"detailed preview" button and the main window will show how the report
looks like if real values have been inserted into your report fields.
Click on the printer button to send your report to a printer or store
it within a file.