Database access from HBasic programs



warning  To use database access you need to install QT in a version higher than 3.0 and compile the database pluging matching the kind of your database server. Remember to include the package hbasic_dbaccess if you create new database examples. If you load the predefined examples from the HBasic distribution this package will be loaded automatically.

Accessing a table from a HBasic program

Before you may use the methods described below you always have to connect to a database table. This connection will be set up with two components from the package hbasic_dbaccess. The first component called dbconnection creates the database connection and the second component called recordset defines an edit buffer that may be used to display or change the records of a database table.

Preparing a database connection normally looks like the following code segment.

Dim dbc As dbconnection
t As recordset

dbc.connect( "hbasic", "root", "orange" ) dbc, "tab1" )

First an instance of the two components will be created with the Dim statement. In HBasic predefined components will be created without a New statement. The database connection will be initialised with a call to the method connect of the dbconnection component. The parameters are the name of the database you want to connect to, the user that should be used and the password for the user. As you can see in the example my test database is called hbasic and I connect with the user root and the password orange. Replace this names with the name and user of your database if you want to start the examples

The recordset that will be used for further data changes will be initialised with a call of the open method of the recordset component. The first parameter is the database connection and the second parameter is the name of the table that should be used in the recordset.

You will find this lines always on the first lines of the following source code examples.

Reading all records of a table

This examples sets up a loop which will step through all rows of a table tab1 and show the value of the column col1 for each dataset.

The select example selects all rows from the table tab1 and prints the value of column col1 for each row.

v As Variant

Sub button1_clicked()
Dim dbc As dbconnection
Dim rs As recordset

dbc.connect( "hbasic", "root", "orange" ) dbc, "tab1" )

While Not( rs.eof()) Do
v = rs.getvalue( "col1" )
Print v

End Sub

Example ex_db_read.bas: Read the value of col1 from all table columns in tab1

Positioning the edit cursor

If you want to change data within a table of your database you have to set the current position of the edit cursor to the depending row first. This may be done by using one or more of the following commands.
Command Description
MoveNext Move edit cursor to next record of table
MovePrev Move edit cursor to previous record of table
MoveFirst Move edit cursor to first record of table
MoveLast Move edit cursor to last record of table
Seek( position_n ) Set edit cursor to position_n in table

After each of this operations you may test if HBasic has found a valid record with the function EOF(). If HBasic cannot position on a valid record the function EOF will give a result of TRUE. You may for example loop through all records of a table with the following While command:

While Not t.eof()
   Print t.getValue( "col1" )

Other methods for database components

The package hbasic_dbaccess provides the following components and methods.

 Component db_connection

connect( db_name, user_name, user_password)
Create new connection to database <db_name>

Component recordset

open( db_connection, table_name )
Open recordset for table table_name
bool eof( )
return TRUE if no more recordsets can be read
delete( )
Delete current row from table
update( )
Store values changed with setValue to database
addNew( )
Add new row to table and make it current row
variant getValue( column_name  )
Read the value of column_name and return as variant
setValue( column_name, new_value  )
Change value of column_name to new_value

Update current row in database

You may change the data in the current database record with the method setValue( <columnname>, new_value ). This method will only change the data in the current edit buffer in memory. Call the method update to store the changed data in the database.

t.setValue( "col1", 123 )

Change values of the current row in table tab1. Since we do not position the row-pointer we change the first row in the table.

Dim v As Variant

Sub button1_clicked()
Dim dbc As dbconnection
Dim rs As recordset

dbc.connect( "hbasic", "root", "" ) dbc, "tab1" )
v = 1111

rs.setValue( "col1", v )
End Sub

Example ex_db_update.bas: Update the value of column col1 in table tab1

Insert new database row 

You may insert a new record into a table represented by a recordset. Add a new record to the table with the method addNew(). This will create a new record in the edit buffer. You can now change the values of the edit buffer with the setValue( <columnname>, new_value ) method. As with the update method you have to call the method update to store the changed data in the database.

t.setValue( "col1", 3333 )


Insert a new row into table tab1 and set values for new row.

Dim v As Variant
Dim pos As Long

Sub button1_clicked()
Dim dbc As dbconnection
Dim rs As recordset

dbc.connect( "hbasic", "root", "" ) dbc, "tab1" )

v = 1111
pos = 1
While pos <= 10
v = pos
rs.setvalue( "col1", v )
v = pos * 11
rs.setvalue( "col2", v )
v = pos * 111
rs.setvalue( "col3", v )


pos = pos + 1
End Sub

Example ex_db_insert.bas: Insert a new row into table tab1

Delete current database row

Position the edit-cursor on the db record that should be deleted and call the method delete for the recordset component.


Delete the current row from table tab1. Since we do not position the row-pointer we delete the first row in the table.

Dim v As Variant

Sub button1_clicked()
Dim dbc As dbconnection
Dim rs As recordset

dbc.connect( "hbasic", "root", "" ) dbc, "tab1" )

End Sub

Example ex_db_delete.bas: Delete the first recordset from table tab1