Database access from HBasic programs |
Accessing a table from a HBasic program |
Reading all records of a table |
Positioning the edit cursor |
Command | Description |
MoveNext | Move edit cursor to next record of table |
MovePrev | Move edit cursor to previous record of table |
MoveFirst | Move edit cursor to first record of table |
MoveLast | Move edit cursor to last record of table |
Seek( position_n ) | Set edit cursor to position_n in table |
After each of this operations you may test if HBasic has found a valid record with the function EOF(). If HBasic cannot position on a valid record the function EOF will give a result of TRUE. You may for example loop through all records of a table with the following While command:
While Not t.eof()
Print t.getValue( "col1" )
Other methods for database components |
connect( db_name, user_name, user_password)
Create new connection to database <db_name> |
open( db_connection, table_name ) |
Open recordset for table table_name |
bool eof( ) |
return TRUE if no more recordsets can be read |
delete( ) |
Delete current row from table |
update( ) |
Store values changed with setValue to database |
addNew( ) |
Add new row to table and make it current row |
variant getValue( column_name ) |
Read the value of column_name and return as variant |
setValue( column_name, new_value ) |
Change value of column_name to new_value |
Update current row in database |
Dim v As Variant |
t.setValue( "col1", 3333 )
Dim v As Variant |
Delete current database row |
Dim v As Variant |