Predefined functions |
Min |
Returns minimum of 2 integer values |
Max |
Returns maximum of 2 integer
values |
SQrt |
Returns squareroot of a double
number |
Abs |
Returns absolute value of a
number |
And |
Or |
Xor |
Not |
Len |
Returns length of a string |
Left |
Returns leftmost substring from
string |
Right |
Returns rightmost substring from
string |
Mid |
Return substring of string |
Lower |
Returns string converted to
lowercase letters |
Upper |
Returns string converted to
uppercase letters |
Str |
Returns a string from an integer or double number |
ToLong |
Return an integer number from a
string |
ToDouble |
Returns a double number from a
string |
Sin |
Return a double specifying the sine of an angle |
Cos |
Return a double specifying the cosine of an angle |
Tan |
Return a double specifying the tangent of an angle |
ASin |
Return a double specifying the arcsine of an angle |
ACos |
Return a double specifying the arc cosine of an angle |
ATan |
Return a double specifying the arc tangent of an angle |
Sinh |
Return a double specifying the sine hyperbolic of an angle |
Cosh |
Return a double specifying the cosine hyperbolic of an angle |
Tanh |
Return a double specifying the tangent hyperbolic of an angle |
ASinh |
Return a double specifying the arc sine hyperbolic of an angle |
ACosh |
Return a double specifying the arc cosine hyperbolic of an angle |
ATanh |
Return a double specifying the arc tangent hyperbolic of an angle |
Log |
Returns a double specifying the natural logarithm of a number |
Log2 |
Log10 |
Exp |
Returns a Double specifying e
(the base of natural logarithm) raised to a power |
Exp2 |
Returns a Double specifying 2 raised to a power |
Exp10 |
Returns a Double specifying 10 raised to a power |
BSet |
Set bit in number at a given position |
BClr |
Clear bit in number at a given
position |
BChg |
Change bit 0<->1 in number
at given position |
BTst |
Check if bit at position is set
(=1) |
Bit |
Return number with 1 bit set to 1 |
Day | Return current day in month |
Month | Return current month |
Year | Return current year |
Hour | Return hour from current time |
Minute | Return minute from current time |
Second | Return second from current time |
DayOfWeek | Return current day in week as
number |
DayOfYear | Return current day of year |
DaysInMonth | Return number of days in current
month |
DaysInYear | Return number of days in current
year |
WeekNumber | Return week number for current
date |
DayName | Return name of day |
MonthName | Return name of month |
ShortDayName | Return 3 character name of day |
ShortMonthName | Return 3 character name of month |
BufferRam | Get memory used by buffers |
FreeHigh |
Get available high memory size |
FreeRam |
Get size of free memory |
FreeSwap |
Get available swap memory size |
MemUnit |
Get memory unit size |
NumProcs |
Get number of running processes |
Sleep |
Let process sleep some time |
SharedRam |
Get shared ram total size |
Sysload1 |
Get average system load of last
minute |
Sysload5 | Get average system load of last 5 minutes |
Sysload15 | Get average system load of last 15 minutes |
TotalHigh |
Get total high memory size |
TotalSwap |
Get total swap size |
TotalRam |
Get total ram size |
Uptime |
Get uptime of computer in seconds |
MsgBox |
Display messagebox in current window |
Seed |
Set seed for random number
generator |
Rand |
Get random number |
System |
Start Linux shell command |
Load |
Load another form |
Abort |
Abort program with error state |
Sleep |
Let process sleep some time |