Using variables
Dim statement
statement> ::= <Dim-token> <type-desc-list>
Every variable that will be used within a HBasic program should
be declared before it will be referenced. In this way HBasic knows the
type of the variable and can create better access functions to the
variable memory. A Dim
statement simply lists the name and type of the variable. The first
token in a Dim statement may be Dim, Public or Private.
Range of variables
If you declare a variable within a Sub
.. End Sub structure the range of the variable will be the body
of the sub statement. If you declare a variable in the sourcecode of a
for definition the range of the variable will be the sourcecode of the
form which means it may be used within all Subroutine definitions of
the sourcecode of the appropriate form. If you replace the token Dim by
Public for a variable declaration outside of a function body the
variable will be global which means it may be referenced everywhere in
the sourcecode. A variable definition within a global sourcecode will
always define a global variable.
Dim i As Integer
declares a variable with name i
and type Integer.
<Dim-token> ::= Dim
| Public
| Private
::= <variable-declaration>
{ , <variable-declaration>
::= <identifier> { , <identifier> } As <typedesc>
<typedesc> ::= <simpletype> |
<arraytype> |
<componenttype> |
<classtype> |
<simpletype> ::= integer
| double
| string
| boolean
| short | object
More types like byte, char, long (64 bit
integer), float (4 byte value), xdouble (16 byte float) and unsigned
integer types may follow later. The 1.0 version of HBasic should at
least support integer, double, string and object variables. Object
variables may store values of any other type (like variant-variables
within other BASIC interpreter).
<arraytype> ::= identifier [
dimension-value , [dimension-value]] As simpletype
Dim a[4,8] As Integer
Example: arr_access.bas
<component-type> ::= identifier
identifier is the name of a component that has been loaded with a
HBasic package or the name of a Qt class if you have loaded Qtc support
to your project.
<classtype> ::= identifier
identifier is the name of a class that has been defined within the
HBasic program somewhere else.
<usertype> ::= identifier
Identifier is the name of a structure that has been defined within a <struct-desc>.
Structure definition
You may define your own structures which may be used later within a
typelist of a Dim statement.
<struct-desc> ::=
Assign statement
The assign statement is the typical way to change the value of a
variable in a program. The variable name should normally have been
declared within a Dim statement before it will be used. Otherwise
HBasic will create a new variable of type object.
::= identifier = <expression>
<expression> ::=
[ <operator>
] |
NOT <expression>
( <expression>
<operator> ::= + | - | * | / | AND | OR | XOR
<factor> ::= <constant>
<constant> ::= <integer-constant>
::= struct-idf . entry-name
<class-access> ::= identifier .
class-property |
identifier . class-method ( <parameterlist>
<component-access> ::=
identifier . component-property |
identifier . component-method ( <parameter-list>
::= identifier
::= letter | '_' | number
::= 0123456789
a..z | A..Z