Features of the HBasic compiler and development environment:
- Edit and build HBasic software in IDE
with project managment, GUI designer and property editing.
- Load and use packages of predefined
components to set up the forms and widgets for your program.
- Source code editor includes syntax
highlightning, code completion and code folding.
- Execute your programs with interpreter
to avoid slow compilation.
- Create standalone executables with
the compiler that may be distributed and executed on other
without installing HBasic.
- Debugger: Step through the
runtime code in different ways. Display values of variables in
special windows or by moving the mouse over the variable name in
the editor.
- Create components with C++ source that
provide widgets or library functions that may extend your HBasic
or IDE features at runtime. If your class has been derived from QObject
HBasic can use the signals, slots and properties of the class in HBasic
code. Other libraries may be used in HBasic with wrapper functions.
- Use object
oriented features for classes defined in HBasic sourcecode or
components that have been loaded as a package. HBasic classes export
methods, classlocal fields and properties and may trigger events or
inherit from other classes.
- Integrated database tools to access
tables through the IDE or the HBasic program. Display and edit tables
on the table-row level or with queries, reports, SQL statements or
database forms that may be set up and changed with the IDE. Edit (read,
insert, update and delete) table columns from your HBasic programs.
- Create and use instances of every Qt
class with Qt-C support.
Call methods or use predefined enum values from the QT library.
- Sheets and graphs in alpha state to test
future extensions.
If you want to get some more information about HBasic please have a
look at the sourcecode examples
and screenshots or
start reading the growing number of documents in the user guide. See changelog for new features in the last