Source: /app/hbasic/hbasic/gui_db_access/report_editor.h

Annotated List
/* **************************************************************************
 File: report_editor.h
 Desc: Report editor widget
	copyright            : (C) 2001 HBasic project (Marcus Engels)

/* **************************************************************************
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Classlist: List of classes that will be defined in this source file.    */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 * class ReportEditor : Edit database reports.
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Changelog: Description of important changes within this file.           */
/*            Please report with date, maintainer and change description.  */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */


class QLabel;
class QScrollView;
class ReportDesigner;
class RWidgetSelection;
class HBReportElmt;
class HBProperty;

// #include 

#include "rsizehandle.h"
#include "../src/structs.h"
#include "report_document.h"

#define SREP_SELECT 1
#define SREP_LABEL 2
#define SREP_FIELD 3


 * @short Database report editor widget.
 * class CReportEditorWidget : This class handles the main editing functions
 *  for the database report editor.

class CRulerWidget : public QWidget

	CRulerWidget( QWidget *parent, CReportDocument *doc_ptr, short new_ruler_type );

	/* Set position of scrollbars as offset for ruler. */
	void setHScrollPos( short new_xpos );
	void setVScrollPos( short new_ypos );
	void drawLeftRuler( void );

	/* Draw contents of rulers. */
	void drawTopRuler( void );
	void paintEvent( QPaintEvent *evt );
	void drawPartRuler( QPainter *p, short *pix_ypos, CReportPart *part_ptr );

	short ruler_type;  // 0=top 1=bottom
	short text_line_height;
	CReportDocument *doc_ptr;
	short hscroll_pos;
	short vscroll_pos;

/* ################################################################## */

class CReportEditor : public QWidget

	CReportEditor( ReportDesigner *parent, CReportDocument *doc_ptr );
	CRulerWidget *left_ruler_wgt;
	void setNewScale( double );

	CReportDocument *report_document;
	CReportEditorWidget *display_wgt;
	CRulerWidget *top_ruler_wgt;

	void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent *evt );

public slots:
	void slotShowRuler( void );
private slots:
	void slotNewContentsPos( int xpos, int ypos );

/* ################################################################## */

class CReportEditorWidget : public QScrollView

	CReportEditorWidget( CReportEditor *parent, ReportDesigner *designer_parent, CReportDocument *doc_ptr );

	enum RectType { Insert, Rubber };

public:         /* methods */
	QPoint grid() const;
	QLabel *sizePreview() const;
	void checkPreviewGeometry( QRect &r );
	void updateChildSelections( QWidget *w );
	void emitUpdateProperties( QWidget *w );
	void setScaleFactor( double change_factor );
	void resizeReportFields( CReportPart *rep_part_ptr, double resize_factor );

private:              /* variables */
	CReportDocument *document_ptr;
	CReportEditor *parent_editor;

	/* size of the report editor widget. */
	int report_width;
	int report_height;

	/* height of one text line */
	short text_line_height;

	int mouse_moving;
	int mouse_changed;
	int mouse_move_start_ypos;
	CReportPart *mouse_move_part;
	bool widgetPressed;
	bool drawRubber;
	bool checkedSelectionsForMove;
	bool propShowBlocked;
	QWidget *insertParent;
	ReportDesigner *parent_designer;
	QList selections;
	QPtrDict repUsedSelections;
	QWidget *propertyWidget;
	HBReportElmt *propertyElement;
	CReportPart *propertyPart;
	QLabel *sizePreviewLabel;
	QPtrDict insertedWidgets;
	bool oldRectValid;
	QRect currRect;
	QPoint rectAnchor;
	QPainter *unclippedPainter;
	QPoint sizePreviewPos;
	QPixmap *sizePreviewPixmap;
	QRect widgetGeom;
	QPoint oldPressPos, origPressPos;
	QObject *connectReceiver;
	QMap moving;

private:              /* methods */
	void drawReportFields( QPainter *p, char *header_text, 
		CReportPart *field_list, short *current_ypos, int *current_sep_height );
	void createReportItems( void );
	void setElmtProperty( CReportPart *rep_part_ptr,
		HBReportElmt *rep_elmt_ptr, HBProperty *property_ptr );
	void addReportFields( CReportPart *rep_part_ptr );
	void unselectReportParts( void );
	bool checkYWidgetBorder( CReportPart *part_ptr, int ypos, int *check_ypos);
	void changeBorder( int xpos, int ypos );
	void checkWidgetBorder( int xpos, int ypos );
	CReportPart *getPartByYpos( QMouseEvent *evt, short *is_header );
	QWidget *createItem( CReportPart *rep_part_ptr, int xpos, int ypos );
	void rightMousePressEvent( QMouseEvent *evt );

	bool eventFilter( QObject *obj, QEvent *evt );
	void drawContents(QPainter* p, int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch);
	short getReportHeight( void );
	short checkHeaderClicked( CReportPart *rep_part_ptr, short current_ypos );
	short checkFieldClicked( CReportPart *rep_part_ptr, short xpos, short current_ypos );
	void handleMousePress( QMouseEvent *e, QWidget *w, CReportPart *rep_part_ptr );
	void handleMouseMove( QMouseEvent *e, QWidget *w, CReportPart *rep_part_ptr );
	void handleMouseRelease( QMouseEvent *e, QWidget *w, CReportPart *rep_part_ptr );
	QWidget *checkFieldObject( CReportPart *part_desc_ptr, QObject *obj );
	QWidget *getMouseWidget( QObject *o, CReportPart **rep_part_ptr );
	void updateProperty( char *name, QVariant value );

	void selectWidget( QWidget *w, bool select = TRUE );
	void changePartYpos( CReportPart *part_ptr, int ydiff );
	void updateSelection( QWidget *w );
	void raiseSelection( QWidget *w );
	void clearSelection( bool changePropertyDisplay );
	void repaintSelection( QWidget *w );
	bool allowMove( QWidget *w );
	void continueRectDraw( const QPoint &p, const QPoint &global, QWidget *, RectType t );
	void endRectDraw();
	void endUnclippedPainter();
	void setPropertyShowingBlocked( bool b );
	void moveSelectedWidgets( CReportPart *rep_part_ptr, int dx, int dy );
	void checkSelectionsForMove( QWidget *w );
	bool isWidgetSelected( QWidget *w );
	bool isPropertyShowingBlocked() const;
	void startRectDraw( const QPoint &p, const QPoint &global, QWidget *, RectType t );
	void raiseChildSelections( QWidget *w );
	void beginUnclippedPainter( bool doNot );
	bool isMainContainer( QWidget *w );
	void selectWidgets();

	QPoint gridPoint( const QPoint &p );
	void drawSizePreview( const QPoint &pos, const QString& text );

private slots:
	void slotEditGroups( void );
	void slotChangeReportHeader( void );
	void slotChangePageHeader( void );
	void slotChangePageFooter( void );
	void slotChangeReportFooter( void );
	void slotShowGrid( void );


Generated by: root on linux on Sun Jul 13 18:06:35 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54.