CActionEditor | Action editor dialog that handles action entries. |
CActionMgr | CActionMgr Class that handles changes in the HBasic data structures. |
CAscFileList | |
CAsciiEditDlg | |
CBasicDocument | The class CBasicDocument holds the data used for the sourcecode and gui structures for one module of your HBasic project. |
CCInfoButton | |
CCellLineEdit | |
CComponentDesc | |
CDBConnect | |
CDebugWidget1 | Widget to display call stack at debug-time. |
CDebugWidget2 | Widget to display variable values at debug-time. |
CDiagramWidget | |
CDiagramWindow | class CDiagramWidget : widget to display diagram data |
CDirectWindow | Widget to display debug messages and input user commands |
CDiscComp | |
CDlgMenuType | CDlgMenuType : class that displays window to ask the user which new project type should be generated. |
CDlgProgramOutput | CDlgProgramOutput : class that displays output of a started program |
CDlgProjectOptions | CDlgProjectType : class that displays window to ask the user which new project type should be generated. |
CDlgProjectType | CDlgProjectType : class that displays window to ask the user which new project type should be generated. |
CDlgQtcClassInfo | CDlgProjectType : class that displays window to ask the user which new project type should be generated. |
CDlgSelectSort | |
CDlgSelectSymbol | |
CEditPropertyDlg | |
CEditScrollWidget | CSourceEditWidget : Sourcode editor widget. |
CGroupComp | |
CHelpTreeEntry | |
CHostListWin | |
CHtmlDisplayDlg | |
CIconEditWidget | Editor widget to select or load icon names. |
CIconEditorWindow | Icon editor window. |
CInfoListItem | |
CLogDisplay | |
CMacroList | Widget to display defined macros |
CMainWindow | QMainWindow widget for HBasic. |
CMenuEntryEditor | Menu editor dialog that handles menu entries. |
CMessageList | Widget to display call stack at debug-time. |
CMethodDesc | |
CNodeData | |
CPackageManager | class CPackageManager: Package list editor widget. |
CPamConfigDlg | |
CPamConfigWin | |
CProject | The class CProject represents the data structures for one project in HBasic. |
CProjectGroup | CProjectGroup : Class that stores the list of currently available projects. |
CPropertyEditor | Main property editor widget. |
CReportDisplayWidget | Widget that will be used to display the result a report. |
CReportDocument | Handles the data that is needed to describe a report. |
CReportEditor | |
CReportEditorWidget | |
CReportFieldDesigner | Widget to select type of report field. |
CReportGroupDesc | Desrcription for fields that appear with a group header or footer. |
CReportLineWidget | Widget that will be used to display a line in a report. |
CReportPart | Partial description of report structure. Report parts will. |
CReportPreviewWidget | Editor widget for database reports. |
CRulerWidget | Database report editor widget. |
CRuntimeForm | |
CRuntimeObject | |
CSelectButton | |
CSelectWindow | class CSelectWindow : Window to select next GUI component to be created. |
CServerConnect | |
CSheetCellHeader | |
CSheetEditor | class CProject : Main data structure for HBasic projects. |
CSheetItem | |
CSheetLineHeader | |
CSheetTableData | |
CSheetTableWidget | |
CSourceEditData | |
CSourceEditWidget | |
CStartupServices | |
CTableWidget | |
CUserComp | |
CValueListItem | |
CValueListWidget | |
CWindowList | QWorkspace widget that handles subwindows in the Hbasic mainwindow. |
CWindowListChild | Parent class for all editor windows in the HBasic main window. |
CXinetdServices | |
ColorDlgObject | |
ColumnEditor | |
ComponentEditor | |
ConstEditor | |
DBConnection | |
DBCursor | |
DBCursorForm | |
DbDesign | Class DbDesign : This class is the surrounding widget for all DbDesignTable widgets that will be connected within the database designer. |
DbDesignTable | |
DlgOptions | |
EditWidget | |
EventEditor | |
FileDlgObject | |
FindDialog | |
FontDlgObject | |
FormDesigner | class FormDesigner: Designer widget to edit GUI structures. |
FormWidget | Main runtime form widget |
HBApplication | |
HBCommand | |
HBDataTable | |
HBDatabase | |
HBDate | |
HBDbColumn | |
HBDbTable | |
HBDesignConnect | |
HBDesignTable | |
HBDirInfo | |
HBFile | |
HBFileInfo | |
HBIcon | |
HBMenuBar | |
HBMenuBarEntry | |
HBMenuEntry | |
HBObject | |
HBProperty | |
HBQueryColumn | |
HBQueryDesc | |
HBQueryTable | Class DbDesignTable : This class represents one table widget in the database design window or in the report editor. |
HBReportElmt | |
HBSheet | |
HBSheetCell | |
HBSheetCellHeader | |
HBSqlStatement | |
HBSubList | |
HBTime | |
HBToolBar | |
HBToolBarEntry | |
HbToolButton | Special install of a toolbar button used with the HBasic interpreter. |
HelpWindow | |
IconTreeEntry | Entry in listview of icon editor. |
InfoButton | |
InfoListItem | One entry in the listview of the package editor. |
LibraryEditor | |
MainWindow | |
MemoryBlock | class MemoryBlocK : Memory manager for HBasic. |
MemoryRBlock | |
MenuEditorWindow | Main widget for the menu editor. |
MenuTreeEntry | One entry in the menutree of the menu editor window. |
MethodEditor | |
NewForm | NewForm : class that displays window to ask the user which new component should be generated. |
Nogui | |
PackageList | class PackageList : Data structure for managing packages and their components. |
PainterWidget | |
PrintDlgObject | |
ProjectTree | Main treeview widget in the project tree display. |
ProjectTreeEntry | One entry in the project tree listview widget. |
PropertyBoolItem | Handle property list items of type boolean. |
PropertyColorItem | Handle property list items of type color. |
PropertyCoordItem | Handle property list items of type point. |
PropertyCursorItem | Handle property list items of type cursor. |
PropertyDoubleItem | Handle property list items of type double. |
PropertyFontItem | Handle property list items of type font. |
PropertyIntItem | Handle property list items of type integer. |
PropertyItem | Parent class for all other item types of the property list. |
PropertyList | Handle list of property entries in property editor widget. |
PropertyListItem | Handle property list items of type string list. |
PropertyPaletteItem | Handle property list items of type palette. |
PropertyPixmapItem | Handle property list items of type pixmap. |
PropertySizePolicyItem | Handle property list items of type size. |
PropertyTextItem | Handle property list items of type string. |
QAutoDeleter | |
QSharedDoubleBuffer | |
QUBuffer | |
QUComponentDescription | |
QUComponentServerDescription | |
QUEnum | |
QUEnumItem | |
QUInterfaceDescription | |
QUMethod | |
QUObject | * $Id: qucom_p. |
QUParameter | |
QUProperty | |
QUType | |
QUType_Null | |
QUType_QString | |
QUType_QVariant | |
QUType_bool | |
QUType_charstar | |
QUType_double | |
QUType_enum | |
QUType_idisp | |
QUType_iface | |
QUType_int | |
QUType_ptr | |
QUType_varptr | |
QVirtualDestructor | |
QueryDesigner | Main editor widget for the query editor. |
QueryEditWidget | Edit widget for the query editor. |
RSizeHandle | |
RWidgetSelection | |
ReportDesigner | Editor widget for database reports. |
SQLDesigner | |
SizeHandle | |
TimerWidget | |
VarEditor | |
WgtEditField | |
WidgetSelection | |
XButton | |
XListViewItem | |
connectEntry | |
dbDesignWindow | Class dbDesignWindow : This class represents the window where the database design display may be edited. |
dlgErrorMsg | Main widget to display the error message. |
dlgNewGroup | |
dlgNewUser | |
dlgPassword | Class dlgPassword : This class provides the dialog used to set up database connections or connect to a selected database. |
dlgQueryResult | Main widget to display the result of a database query. |
dlgReadJoin | dlgReadJoin : Get type of join for database query. |
dlgTableEditor | Class dlgTableEditor : Main widget to edit database table structure. |
dlgValueEdit | Main widget to display the error message. |
queryResultTable | Class queryResultTable : Display contents of database table. |
testclass | |
viewQueryData | Class viewQueryData : This class displays the output of a SQL query in a window. |
wgtAddTable | class WgtAddTable : Dialog to select table from current database. |
Generated by: root on linux on Sun Jul 13 18:06:35 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54. |