Source: /app/hbasic/hbasic/hbdata/hbsheet.h

Annotated List
/* **************************************************************************
 File: sheet_cell_data.h
 Desc: Data handler for sheets
	copyright            : (C) 2001 HBasic project (Marcus Engels)

/* **************************************************************************
 *                                                                         *
 *   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
 *   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
 *   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
 *   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
 *                                                                         *

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Classlist: List of classes that will be defined in this source file.    */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 * class CSheetEditor: Editor widget for calc sheets.

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/* Changelog: Description of important changes within this file.           */
/*            Please report with date, maintainer and change description.  */
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- */

#ifndef SHEET_DATA_H
#define SHEET_DATA_H

class CSourceEditData;
class HBProperty;

#include "hbsublist.h"

/* Header orientation */

/* Header for description of one calc sheet cell/entry/item */
/* Cell properties will be stored in property list that will be created at runtime */
/*   in sublists of parent QObject structure. */

class HBSheetCell : public QObject, public HBObject
	HBSheetCell( char *name );

	short entry_type;
	short calc_state;
	long source_code_start;      /* Start offset of sourcecode in sheet data */
	long source_code_length;     /* length of content description in byte. */
	void *runtime_code;  /* Address of appropriate code after compile */
	QVariant *value;

	short row_number;
	short column_number;

	/* Save value text as internal description */
	void saveValue( char *new_text );

	/* Get value of cell as text */
	/* unparse_expr = TRUE if expressions should be displayed as text */
	/* Otherwise it's value will be returned. The value will normalle */
	/* be displayed in the table and the unparsed expression in the   */
	/* edit line at the top. */
	QString *getValueText( short unparse_expr );

	/* Methods to save changed value in cell description of value */
	void createTextDesc( char *cptr, HBSheet *sheet_ptr );
	void createNumberDesc( char *cptr, HBSheet *sheet_ptr );
	void createExpressionDesc( char *cptr, HBSheet *sheet_ptr );
	void replaceCellValue( char *new_text, HBSheet *sheet_ptr );
	void correctFieldOffsets( CSourceEditData *byte_data, char *store_adr_ptr, long change_offset );

	/* Get contents of fiels as text */
	QString getCellValue( CSourceEditData *data_ptr, short in_sheet );

class HBSheetCellHeader : public QObject, public HBObject
	HBSheetCellHeader( short orientation, char *name );

	short position;

	/* Width or height of column or row */
	short pix_size;
	/* Start position of header in widget */
	short pix_start;

class HBSheet : public QObject, public HBObject
	HBSheet( char *name );

	/* Property default values or properties that should be applied to the whole sheet. */
//	HBSubList properties;

	CSourceEditData *cell_contents;
	// TODO: add HBSheetRange list

	/* Pointer to sheet editor if available */
	CSheetEditor *sheet_edit_ptr;

	HBSheetCellHeader *findHeader( short orientation, short position, short create_it );
	HBSheetCellHeader *findHeaderAt( short orientation, short pix_findpos, 
		short create_it, short *find_pos, short *find_pix_pos, short *pos_ok );
	HBSheetCellHeader *findHeaderAtMousepos( short orientation, short pix_findpos, 
		short *find_pos, short *find_pix_pos );
	HBSheetCell *findCell( short row, short column, short create_it );
	void saveSheetToFile( QFile *f );
	void loadSheetFromFile( QFile *f, FILE_TAG_HEADER *start_block );
	void correctFieldOffsets( char *store_adr_ptr, long change_offset );
	void insertRow( short find_row );
	void insertColumn( short find_col );
	void deleteRow( short find_row );
	void deleteColumn( short find_column );

	void findCellEntry( HBSubList *head_list, short find_pos, HBSheetCell *cell_ptr );


Generated by: root on linux on Sun Jul 13 18:06:35 2003, using kdoc 2.0a54.