Starting with release 2007-01 the HBasic distribution includes Forms to edit business information stored in a database for
- Sales Order managment
- Purchase Order managment
- CRM (Customer Relationship
- Finacials
- Asset Managment
- HR (Human Resources)
Using the HBasic-ERP C++ forms makes it easy to set up a database and edit the data related to the business processes.
Starting with this release I also want to create Web Forms to edit the
business data in the database. Some first examples how this Web Forms
might look like are already included in this distribution.
These ERP forms (C++ and Web-Forms) could be used without using the
HBasic-IDE but the combination allows for some interesting addons (like
using user defined HBasic forms and Reports in the ERP-System).
There is a lot of work to do to make this a stable version for a
production environment so any ideas and help is welcome. A more
detailed documentation of the ERP Forms will follow soon.
Screenshot example for new HBasic-ERP C++ Forms
Web Form to edit same Asset Type Data